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- /*
- ** $VER: MemoryManagement.c V0.02 (20-06-95)
- **
- ** Author: Gerben Venekamp
- ** Updates: 14-06-95 Version 0.01 Initial module.
- ** 20-06-95 Version 0.02 FreeMemory and FreeThisMem have
- ** completly rewritten. FreeThisMem
- ** now marks freed memory as invalid.
- ** FreeMemory relies entierly on
- ** FreeThisMem.
- **
- ** MemoryManagement.c contains all the neseccary functions to control
- ** memory management for IFFConverter.
- **
- */
- #include <exec/memory.h>
- #include <proto/exec.h>
- #include "IFFConverter.h"
- // Defining variables
- APTR LoadFileName = NULL;
- APTR SaveFileName = NULL;
- APTR SaveBuffer = NULL;
- ULONG * ColourMap = NULL;
- ULONG * SColourMap = NULL;
- ULONG * PlanePtrs = NULL;
- STRPTR GraphicsDrawer = NULL;
- ULONG LoadFileNameSize = 0;
- ULONG SaveFileNameSize = 0;
- ULONG SaveBufferSize = 0;
- ULONG GraphicsDrawerSize = 0;
- ULONG ColourMapSize = 16*4;
- ULONG PlanePtrsSize;
- // Defining protos
- void AllocateMemory(void);
- BOOL AllocThisMem(APTR *, ULONG, ULONG);
- BOOL AllocThisMemNoComplain(APTR *, ULONG, ULONG);
- void FreeMemory(void);
- void FreeThisMem(APTR, ULONG);
- /*
- ** AllocateMemory()
- **
- ** Will allocate all the needed memory for IFFConverter to run. When
- ** 'AllocateMemory' fails, it will notify the user of the problem
- ** and waits until the user acknowlege the problem and then it quits.
- **
- ** pre: None.
- ** post: None.
- **
- */
- void AllocateMemory()
- {
- if( AllocThisMem(&ColourMap, ColourMapSize, MEMF_CLEAR) )
- if( AllocThisMem(&SColourMap, ColourMapSize, MEMF_CLEAR) )
- // We know that all necessay memory has been allocated,
- // so let us return to the calling function.
- return;
- ErrorHandler( IFFerror_NoMemory, (APTR)ColourMapSize ); // Exit to system.
- }
- /*
- ** Result = AllocThisMem(MemToAlloc, MemToAllocSize, MemType)
- **
- ** Alloacates a piece of memory when possible. If it turns out
- ** to be impossible, then the users will be notified of the
- ** problem and 'AllocThisMem' will wait until the user will
- ** acknowlege the problem. The memory will be allocated according
- ** to 'MemType'.
- **
- ** pre: MemToAlloc - NULL Pointer.
- ** MemToAllocSize - Size of the memory to alloacte.
- ** MemType - Type of memory to be allocated.
- ** post: MemToAlloc - Pointer to allocated memory. Or NULL if failure.
- ** Result - TRUE if memory allocation was succesful,
- ** FALSE if unsuccesful.
- **
- */
- BOOL AllocThisMem(APTR *MemToAlloc, ULONG MemToAllocSize, ULONG MemType)
- {
- if(!(*MemToAlloc = AllocMem(MemToAllocSize, MemType)))
- {
- ErrorHandler( IFFerror_NoMemoryDoReturn, (APTR)MemToAllocSize );
- return(FALSE);
- }
- return(TRUE);
- }
- /*
- ** Result = AllocThisMemNoComplain( MemToAlloc, MemToAllocSize, MemType)
- **
- ** Specification are the same as AllocTheMem. The exception however,
- ** is that this function will no complain about failure of 'AllocMem()'.
- ** It will just return TRUE for a succes and FALSE for failure.
- **
- */
- BOOL AllocThisMemNoComplain(APTR *MemToAlloc, ULONG MemToAllocSize, ULONG MemType)
- {
- if(!(*MemToAlloc = AllocMem(MemToAllocSize, MemType)))
- return(FALSE);
- return(TRUE);
- }
- /*
- ** FreeMemory()
- **
- ** Will give back all the allocated memory (you gotta keep friends).
- **
- ** pre: None.
- ** post: None.
- **
- */
- void FreeMemory()
- {
- FreeThisMem(&LoadFileName, LoadFileNameSize);
- FreeThisMem(&SaveFileName, SaveFileNameSize);
- FreeThisMem(&ColourMap, ColourMapSize);
- FreeThisMem(&SColourMap, ColourMapSize);
- FreeThisMem(&PlanePtrs, PlanePtrsSize);
- FreeThisMem(&SaveBuffer, SaveBufferSize);
- FreeThisMem(&GraphicsDrawer, GraphicsDrawerSize);
- }
- /*
- ** FreeThisMem(MemToFree, MemToFreenSize)
- **
- ** Frees when possible a piece of allocated memory. NOTE: be sure
- ** to free allocated memory ONLY!!!! When the memory has been freed,
- ** MemToFree will be marked as invalid (NULL).
- **
- ** pre: MemToFree - Pointer to Allocated memory or NULL.
- ** MemToFreeSize - Size of memory to be freeed.
- ** post: MemToFree - NULL.
- **
- */
- void FreeThisMem(APTR *MemToFree, ULONG MemToFreeSize)
- {
- if(*MemToFree)
- {
- FreeMem(*MemToFree, MemToFreeSize);
- *MemToFree = NULL;
- }
- }